If your child will be absent, late or leaving early on any date during this school year, please report the details using our Attendance Monitor system that is integrated with your STMC PowerSchool PARENT Portal. Your online report will satisfy our student attendance record requirements, so you will not have to send in a separate note or email following an absence!
The Attendance Monitor system can ONLY be accessed from your STMC PowerSchool Parent Portal. In order to meet our reporting requirements, it is very important that you do not share your PARENT Portal log-in credentials with any student. If necessary, please contact the school to change your log-in credentials, or if you are unsure about how to access your Parent Portal.
Please note the following important points regarding our new attendance reporting system:
• Attendance cannot be reported from the STMC PowerSchool STUDENT Portal.
• Reports should be made before 9:00am using our Attendance Monitor system. Automated phone calls to all parent/guardian contacts will be initiated shortly after 9:00am by the system to inform families regarding un-reported lates or absences.
• Reports may be made for up to 10 days in advance, eliminating the need to report attendance on each day of a multiple-day absence.
• The Report Explanation must include the first and last name of the person making the report, and their relation, ie mother, father, to the student. Report explanations and reasons may be edited after the initial submission if necessary.
• The PowerSchool Mobile App CANNOT be used for late or absent reports. To report via your mobile phone, please use the web browser, (Chrome, Safari, Firefox), on your phone to sign-in at https://ps.stmc.bc.ca .
In order to ensure the consistency and accuracy of our attendance records, all full-day and part-day absences MUST be reported using our Attendance Monitor system. Please do not call or email regarding lates, early departures, and absences unless you are unable to access or use our Attendance Monitor system due to extraordinary circumstances.
Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with our Attendance Monitor system. For your reference, a PDF guide to using our new Attendance Monitor system is linked here.