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Apply to STMC

Application Deadline: Jan. 10th, 2025


St. Thomas More Collegiate is looking for students and families who are able to help further the aims of the Essential Elements of an Edmund Rice Christian Brother Education – students and families who will positively contribute to our school and the STMC community.  If you have what it takes to be a Knight, we invite you to apply to become a part of something special!

The application process for the following school year starts from November and ends in January for the Grade 8 level, and ends in April for Grades 9-12. Each year, STMC extends offers of admissions to approximately 135 new Grade 8 students, while there are a few spaces available for Grades 9-12. Offers of admission for Grades 9-12 will take place following our re-registration process for current students in early spring.

Families wishing to apply for admission to the current school year should note that we generally run at full capacity, and are typically unable to accommodate students for immediate enrollment.

Please contact the School Office at 604-521-1801 ext. 2100 for further information in this regard.

How to Apply

Step 1


Step 2

Assemble the required documentation as outlined in the Document Checklist below.  The online application system allows you to upload documents in either PDF or JPG formats.

Step 3

Once your pre-application has been approved, you will receive an email with details on completion of your full application, including a link to this guide: Completing Your STMC Full Application

Step 4

Set-up your family account on our STMC PowerSchool System. Once you have successfully logged in, you will be able to provide full details on the prospective student, and upload all supporting documents.

Please contact the School Office at 604-521-1801 ext. 2100 for further information or assistance regarding a new application

Step 5

Attend the Open House (Tuesday – Dec 3, 2024 at 6:30 PM – 8 PM)

Step 6

Families who are new to the STMC Community may be asked to participate in a meeting as part of their application process.

Documentation Checklist (as applicable)

☑ Student Information
☑ Family Information
☑ Medical Information

☑ Applicant’s birth certificate
☑ Applicants who are:

Canadian Citizens require:

    •  applicant’s birth certificate or citizenship certificate

Permanent Residents require:

    • applicant’s permanent resident card or record of landing

Foreign Nationals require:

    • applicant’s passport pages clearly showing the passport number, dates of issue and expiry, name and date of birth. If presently in Canada, also include the stamp made by Canadian authorities of your child’s most recent entry into Canada PLUS their most current immigration document.

☑ Applicants who are:

Catholic require:

    • Baptismal Certificate
    • Reference from Parish Priest completed via our online Form A.
      NOTE: Students currently attending Grade 7 (i) at Our Lady of Mercy, St. Francis de Sales, or St. Michael’s, or (ii) who are registered in one of the following parishes – Our Lady of Mercy, St. Francis de Sales, or St. Michael’s DO NOT need to request Form A completion from their Parish Priest

non-Catholic applicants require:

    •  Reference from their Worship Leader completed via our online Form A.

☑ Applicant’s most recent Report Cards
☑ Recent Photo (School Photo is preferred)
☑ Students’ Cover Letter/Personal Responses

Cover Letter/Personal Response

Students are required to upload and submit a 250-500 word cover letter. Use this opportunity to reflect on your experiences, accomplishments and values while demonstrating how you will thrive as part of our community. In your cover letter, you may wish to discuss:
  • highlights of your elementary school journey and extracurricular accomplishments and how these might impact our school community at STMC
  • a reflection how you have served and lead in your community and how you plan to continue living these values at STMC
  • a description of how you have lived out the different aspects of the Knights’ Cross: faith, academics, athletics, advocacy and action and arts and how these have lead to personal growth
  • a discussion of why STMC aligns with your values and is the right choice for you and your family
  • a personal response to one of the questions/prompts below:
    1. At St. Thomas More Collegiate, we value the tenets of servant-leadership. Servant-leadership asks that individuals put others before themselves, lead by example, help others grow, and stand in solidarity with those marginalized and oppressed by injustice. Discuss what servant-leadership means to you, how you have acted as a servant-leader either at school or in your community, and how you plan to act as a servant-leader at St. Thomas More Collegiate.


    2. At St. Thomas More Collegiate, the Knights’ Cross is an illustration of STMC’s holistic approach to faith based teaching and learning. The points of the cross depict the interaction between the development of mind, body and spirit and the call to serve. The cross shows that our students can swing between areas of focus while representing the connections between each arm of the cross. Describe how parts of the Knights’ Cross have helped shape you as an individual and how you plan to live the Knights’ Cross at St. Thomas More Collegiate.

Admissions Criteria

STMC is an open boundary Affiliate Independent Catholic High School within the RCAV and, therefore, has no identified schools with official feeder status. STMC accepts students from throughout the Metro Vancouver area. No applicant – regardless of category or historical connection to our school – should consider themselves an automatic entry into STMC.

While primary consideration is given to specific categories of applicants, admission offers are extended to all applicants based on the quality and strength of their application package, as well as the candidate’s and their family’s overall merits as prospective Knights.


  1. Completed Application Packages*. Incomplete applications packages will not be considered.
  2. Students in good standing** who are active citizens within their current school and community that are either siblings of St. Thomas More Collegiate students and/or children of St. Thomas More Collegiate alumni or Marian High School alumnae.
  3. Catholic students*** in good standing who are active citizens within their current school and community who attend one of the three CISVA elementary schools within the Deanery where STMC is located – Our Lady of Mercy, St. Francis de Sales and St. Michael’s Elementary.
  4. Catholic students in good standing who are active citizens within their current school and community from the five parishes within the Deanery where STMC is located (those parishes listed above plus+ St. Peter’s and Holy Spirit) who – along with their application package – submit a supporting letter from their respective pastor confirming active membership in their parish.
  5. Catholic students in good standing who are active citizens within their current school and community from all other schools (CISVA, Independent, or Public).
  6. Non-Catholic students in good standing who are active citizens within their current school and community from either Our Lady of Mercy, St. Francis de Sales or St. Michael’s Elementary, or, from any other schools (CISVA, Independent, or Public).

Please ensure that you are familiar with all of the REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION that must be included in your application.

**Students in good standing are students who “Fully Meet” or “Exceed” expectations in work habit, attitude, and relationships with their teachers and their peers.  These students are also on a clear track to successfully complete all Grade 7 CORE Learning Objectives.

*** To be classified as a Catholic student, the student and family must be registered and active within their parish (as determined by the parish priest).

Grade 8 Offers of Admission typically go out two weeks after the Application Deadline.


Students seeking placements in Grades 9-12 will be notified once the Reregistration Process for returning students has concluded.  This particular process typically begins during the month of April when shortlisted applicants will be contacted for a meeting with members of the Admissions Team.

Contact Office

For more information on applying for admission to St. Thomas More Collegiate, please contact our office:

School Office
604-521-1801 ext. 2100
Send Email

Your privacy and information security are very important to us. We understand that information and documentation provided in support of your application is sensitive and confidential. Our application site operates using up-to-date TLS security, and our application database is fully encrypted for your protection. We are committed to keeping all of your family information secure, and will handle your personal data in strict accordance with our privacy policy, available for your review here: STMC Privacy Policy

STMC payment services are securely provided by Moneris Canada.

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