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Knightly Weekly | June 3-9

By June 2, 2024June 4th, 2024Weekly Newsletter

Week at a Glance: Here’s a snapshot at the upcoming week!

June 2024

Week of June 3-9

June 3 | Day 1 CDAB

Jazz Knight

June 4 | Day 2 GHEF

June 5 | Day 1 DABC

June 6 | Day 2 HEFG

Late Start
Music Banquet

June 7 | Day 1 ABCD

Red Day


Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming campaign events throughout the school! Get to know what your candidates can do and how they plan to make next year an exciting one. We’ve got events at lunch and after school so swing by the admin windows to see the schedule and see what your candidates are up to.

Elections will be held on Friday June 7th. You will be able to vote for all the candidates through a ranked voting system, so be sure to figure out who to vote for!


If you are currently in Grade 11 and are interested in being a part of Grad Committee, please pick up a form from the administration office. Please see HERE for the overview of the volunteer position! If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Castro () or ask one of the current members of the committee.

Application forms are due on June 3rd. Applicants selected for an interview will be contacted by Mrs. Castro.


Students in Grade 12 are invited to nominate a student in their class to be their valedictorian. The valedictorian delivers the farewell at the commencement ceremonies and speaks on behalf of the graduating class of 2024. They should be respected members of their graduating class and should represent the class as a whole.

When nominating a student, students should consider someone who:
a) is respected by both their classmates and faculty
b) can write and deliver a relevant, thought-provoking, and celebratory address to a diverse audience
c) embodies the spirit of an Edmund Rice Christian Brother Education

Please see HERE for the nomination form. Nomination forms are due on June 3rd.


Graduating students should have received a Dry Grad Consent form in their English classes this week. If you were not present in your English class, please drop by the front office and pick one up from Mrs. Cirillo. Every student MUST complete a Dry Grad Consent form if they want to attend Dry Grad and return it by June 14, 2024.

If students are bringing a guest to the Dinner and Dance, students MUST complete a “Guest Application Form” which is located outside of the admin office. Feel free to pick one up and fill it out. “Guest Application Forms” must be returned to either Mr. Shoemaker or Ms. Lauang by June 10, 2024.


Join us on June 3rd at 7 PM for an amazing evening full of jazz at Rick Bronson’s House of Comedy in New Westminster. Experience the incredible talents of our Jazz Bands and Jazz Singers as they perform a range of performances.

It’s not too late to purchase your tickets, buy them via Trellis: Jazz Knight Tickets


As you may have already noticed, the STMC website has a new look! We are excited to announce that the website redesign has had a successful soft launch.

A lot of thought and effort has gone into this project in terms of enhanced usability and features, and we are diligently working to provide an even better experience for our community.

During this initial phase, you may notice some areas that are still being improved upon. Further testing and refinement will be an ongoing work in progress after going live.

Thank you for your understanding, we hope you look forward to see this new web experience.

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